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Core Objectives

BIH’s main objective is to become the leading Innovation Centre for Digital Transformation. This will be achieved by the following objectives

Access to Digital Skills

Access to Digital Skills

Through BIH there will be widespread access to digital skills programs that allow  Ghanaian youth (innovators, entrepreneurs) develop relevant skillset. Access to digital skills will help enhance capacity building across various industries. This initiative will ensure that various stakeholders are up to speed on the latest digital trends. The e-learning model will be engaged to combine with the in-person digital skills  training model. This will expand reach and create more opportunities. The skills  initiative will be industry focused to allow young individuals/entrepreneurs  connect easily to project opportunities in the public and private sectors.

Access to Innovation 

Access to Innovation 

Continuous innovation is fundamental to the BIH initiative. BIH Innovation Lab will allow entrepreneurs to access innovation toolkits that will be key in product  development. A two-tier approach will be utilized, compromising innovative  ideas and proven protypes/existing market products. Through the availability of  sandboxes, innovators can easily engage in rapid prototyping. This will be a  continuous experience that will create more relevant solutions for various industries.

Access to Market 

Access to Market 

One of the most crucial objectives of BIH is creating various pathways for  innovators to access various markets. BIH will create multiple pathways  for various groups including but not limited to; startups, freelancers, digital savvy  professionals. These pathways will be enhanced through BIH’s strategic partnerships with public sector institutions, corporates and global OEMs. This will allow innovators and startups to easily connect with global markets easily.

Access to Funds 

Access to Funds 

The aforementioned objectives culminate into creating a revenue pipeline for  innovators through the BIH initiative. By enhancing access to key variables,  innovators will be able to easily access revenue through jobs/projects and contribute to the development of relevant solutions.

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As an tech-led agency, we are consistently and challenging ourseleves for the betterment.

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